Friday 16 December 2011

Types of Computer

  • Computer:-
                 Computer is an electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory. It accepts data, processes data into useful information and store result for future.

  • Types of Computer:-
There are three main types of computer.
  • Analog Computer
  • Digital Computer
  • Hybrid Computer

  • Analog Computer:-


               An Analog Computer is a form of computer that uses the continuously changeable aspects of physical quantity. These computers operate with analog signal. Its output is displayed on a meter or graph. It is difficult to use. Mainly used in Engineering and Medical field.
  • For Example:-

  • Analog Clock
    • Speedometer:-
    • Digital Computer:-
                       Digital computers are type of Computer that operates on digital signal. It store data in terms of digits. These computers us two states either on (1) or (0). In digital computers, even letters, words and texts are represented digitally; these computers have big memory, variety of sizes speed and capacities. These computers used in offices and educational institutions.
    • For Example:-

    • Digital Clock:-

    • Hybrid Computer:-

                      Hybrid Computers are computers that exhibit features of analog and digital computers. These are the combination of analog and digital computers. It combines the best characteristics of both analog and digital computers. It accept data in both analog and digital form.

    • For Example:-

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