Thursday 1 December 2011

Basics of Computer

  • Computer:-
             Computer is an electronic device operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory. It accepts data, processes data into useful information and store result for future.

  • General task of Computer:-

1.       Computer receives data from user.
2.       Processes data into information.
3.    Produces output results.
And then store the results in its memory.

  •  Characteristic of Computer:-
Computer has so many characteristics some are following:
1. Automation
2. Speed
3. Accuracy
4. Reliability
5. Storage
6. Flexibility

  • Automation:
                                  The modern age is the age of automation. Everything and every device is automatic. If we talk about Computer, Computer is not only adding machine or Calculator. When a programs is in Computer’s memory, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) follows these instructions until last instruction execute. It mean when once the process had began, it would continue without the need for human intervention until completion.

  • Speed:-
              We can use computer to perform quickly the necessary calculations and analyses. Electrical pulses travel at incredible speed because the computer is an electronic device; its internal speed is virtually great. A powerful computer is capable of adding together two 18-digits in 300-400 nanoseconds.
                ''The speed of computer is measured in MHz and GHz"

  • Accuracy:-
                 Accuracy is also a characteristic of Computer. Computer can perform complicated tasks with accuracy. An error occurs due to programmer, incorrect data or poorly designed systems otherwise computer has no chance of error. Computer executes millions of instruction in seconds and with accuracy.

  • Reliability:-
                Computer is very reliable. Many personal computer have never needed a service cal. Communications are also very reliable and generally available. Computer can perform very complicated calculations without creating any problems.

  • Storage:-
               A computer has internal storage memory as well as external or secondary storage. In secondary storage large amount of data can be stored for future use. The store data are available any time for processing. So computer storage memory helps us to keep store our important data.

  • Flexibility:-
              Computer is a more flexible machine and it gives us flexibility in many tasks. We can conduct banking online instead of driving to the bank. Almost all banking and office

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